Are you looking for a unique experience with an innovative program that will shape your life forever?
Serving thousands of homeless men, women and families, St. Elizabeth Shelter creates an atmosphere of loving concern that respects the dignity of each individual and provides the homeless with hope for the future. Case management, transitional and educational programs are provided—helping many to achieve independent living.
Residential Interns are responsible for most of the hands-on operation of the shelter, including:
Assisting homeless guests
Organizing meals
Processing donations
Providing case management
Maintaining the facilities.
St. E's also strives to facilitate an internship experience that will bring a mutually satisfying experience for both the intern and the residents. Positions are available full-time for a minimum of one year with flexible start dates. Benefits include a $7.50/hour wage, housing (in a fully-furnished private suite above the shelter with shared living/kitchen space). Interns also receive health and dental insurance. Applicants must have a high school degree and be willing to work hard to help people experiencing homelessness. Spanish language ability and prior work in the social services field is a plus. Please either download application the PDF link below or fill out online application. A valid gmail account is required to fill out online application.
*If downloading application, include your resume and either e-mail or fax to: Men's Program Manager emergencyservices@steshelter.org; Fax 505-982-5347 or Casa Familia Program Manager casafamilia@steshelter.org; Fax 505-820-1418.
Now Accepting Applications!
Click PDF icon to download application.

What has been your most rewarding experience as an intern?
It’s difficult to identify one individual experience as the most rewarding when each day offers new opportunities to touch the life of another. From working as a case manager and helping a client achieve housing, to handing a sandwich to someone who you know hasn’t eaten at all that day- it’s all so very gratifying. I imagine that the average person says and hears the words “thank you” at least 100 times on a daily basis. However, when you give someone a sleeping bag so that they won’t be shivering under a tree at night, or when you see the look of hope and relief in someone’s eyes after admitting him into to shelter, the words “thank you” seem to ring with a different meaning. They sound genuine, and beautiful, and extremely rewarding.
Kaley Wind

Emily Hopping
For me, being an intern is great because of the variety of responsibilities available in a single year here at St. Elizabeth Shelter. The work ranges from clerical at the front desk to shelter organization and volunteer management as the day supervisor to working with our guests as the evening supervisor. Eventually, if you wish, you can have case management experience after familiarizing yourself with Santa Fe's social services. Beyond these main roles, you can also get the opportunity to participate in fund raising events, work with the homeless legal clinic, attend events with the New Mexico Coalition to End Homelessness, in addition to receiving project time to work on other shelter needs. It's a unique experience to have such a well-rounded role at a small non-profit like St. Elizabeth, something you wouldn't be able to get at a larger organization, and that is one of my favorite aspects of being an intern here.
What do you enjoy about being an intern at St. E’s?
What has been your most rewarding experience as an intern?
Ben Myler
There were many reasons that led into my decision to intern for St. Elizabeth’s shelter. One that stood out most prominently was the goal to “end homelessness” that I saw so clearly in the mission statement of the shelter. I have been involved with multiple organizations that worked on sustaining and supporting those who have become victims to homelessness, but had never found an organization so set on curing the problem. St. Elizabeth’s has found a way to not only offer short-term solutions for those affected by homelessness, but are equipping clients with the knowledge and resources to escape and further avoid their current circumstances. My choice to become an intern was based on the desire to be a part of a real change for our community.