28 Beds for Men
The men's emergency shelter provides meals, case management, showers, laundry, mail services, clothing, and supplies.

The Men’s Emergency Shelter is a vital part of the St. Elizabeth Shelter Corp. The shelter provides single men a chance to undergo case management, have a hot meal for dinner, and enjoy the camaraderie built between guests and staff. The shelter has two dormitory style rooms, which can accommodate a maximum of 28 individuals with ample space to move around.
Aside from the sleeping space, the Emergency Men’s Shelter has a laundry room, a television room for movies and games, a small library, a communal dining room, and two computer work stations.
The Emergency Men’s Shelter is a central hub for the homeless community of Santa Fe, NM. As part of the overall desire to help our homeless friends, the Emergency Men’s Shelter provides a large array of hygiene products from toothbrushes to conditioner which anyone in need may obtain. There is also a clothing donation closet with underwear and socks, as well as hat bins that individuals, both male and female, may search through to find items they need to weather the seasons.
One of the most important assets of St. E's are the interns. Our residential interns are responsible for most of the day-to-day happenings at our shelters. To learn more about the pay, benefits, and responsibilities, click BECOME AN INTERN!
804 Alarid Street, Santa Fe, NM 87505
Phone: 505-982-6611 | Fax: 505-982-5347