Why Leave a Planned Gift?
To help us end the cycle of homelessness in Santa Fe!
For more than 37 years, St. Elizabeth Shelters and Supportive Housing has been dedicated to assisting homeless individuals and families by providing emergency shelter, food, case management, counseling, supportive housing and referrals to partnering human-service agencies. Help us keep going into the future!
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Have you considered putting St. Elizabeth’s in your will?
Making a Bequest
Leaving a gift in your will or revocable trust, choosing a specific amount or a percentage of your estate, is the simplest and most traditional way of making a planned gift. Below is an example of language you may use in your estate plan:
“I give [indicate a dollar amount or a specific % of the remainder of your estate or trust] to Saint Elizabeth Shelter Corporation, a non-profit corporation founded in New Mexico, currently located at 804 Alarid Street, Santa Fe, NM 87505 Tax ID# 85-0347650. *”

Jerry and Helen Moser, talking about St. E’s:
“We really enjoyed our work there, making dinner and then sitting down to eat, talk with, and getting to know some of the guests.
So when we were preparing our estate plan, we asked ourselves where do we want our money to go? We asked what has been important in our lives, and the answer was family, music, travel, and organizations that help other people.”
Acting on this principle, Jerry and Helen have designated a percentage of their estate to support the work of St. Elizabeth Shelter.
Naming St. Elizabeth Shelters & Supportive Housing as a Beneficiary
One of the most flexible and easy ways to make an extraordinary gift is to name St. Elizabeth as a beneficiary of:
Your IRA or retirement plan assets, appreciated securities, life insurance, real estate,
charitable lead trusts and other financial accounts.
It only takes three simple steps to make this type of gift. Here’s how to name St. Elizabeth Shelters and Supportive Housing as a beneficiary:
Contact your retirement plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution for a change-of-beneficiary form.
Decide what percentage (1 to 100%) you would like us to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form.
Return the completed form to your plan administrator, insurance company, bank or financial institution.
Please let us know so we can thank you now and plan for the future.
Other ways to Leave Planned Gifts*
Using Appreciated Securities/Retirement Plan Assets
When you transfer appreciated securities or other retirement plan assets directly to our investment account, you benefit:
You can defer and/or avoid capital gains tax.
You may be entitled to a charitable deduction for all or a portion of the total fair market value. Check with your tax advisor.
You have the joy of knowing our work will continue.

Emily Smith
Board member Emily Smith's family tradition is to leave a portion of their estate to a charity or cause they support. She has put St. Elizabeth in her will, saying, “ I’m especially impressed by the fact that St E’s is much more than an emergency shelter. We have three different types of supportive housing programs throughout Santa Fe and we assist families and individuals with an amazing amount of wrap-around services."
Making A Gift of Real Estate
Subject to our gift acceptance policy, you can make a charitable gift of your vacation home, commercial property or undeveloped land to Saint Elizabeth Shelter Corporation while possibly reducing taxes. These properties can be donated towards our work as an outright gift or a can be left in your estate and designated as a future gift.
You can donate significant art, antiques, cars, and other personal property now or through your estate plan.
Giving Through a Charitable Lead Trust
If you establish a charitable lead trust, you can designate Saint Elizabeth Shelter Corporation as the beneficiary for a period of years and then pass your assets to your heirs or others you designate. You can fund your trust with cash, stock, bonds, land or other assets. Talk to your tax adviser about the advantages of a charitable lead trust.
You can donate significant art, antiques, cars, and other personal property now or through your estate plan.
Giving Through Life Insurance
You can make a meaningful gift if you name Saint Elizabeth Shelter Corporation as the beneficiary of some or all of a life insurance policy benefit. You may even decide to write an additional policy dedicated to Saint Elizabeth Shelter Corporation.
You can donate significant art, antiques, cars, and other personal property now or through your estate plan.
Gifting Personal Property
You can donate significant art, antiques, cars and other personal property now or through your estate plan.
Contact us directly at: legacygiving@steshelter.org
You can donate significant art, antiques, cars, and other personal property now or through your estate plan.
Mary Ann B
Mary Ann moved to Santa Fe 30 years ago and has put St. Elizabeth‘s Shelter and Supportive Housing in her will.
She says. “ I feel nourished in the nature and beauty of the Santa Fe region, and grateful to be one of her citizens." Santa Fe has given me so much over the years, and I give back by supporting local organizations whose work I can trust and respect.
"St. Elizabeth’s provides an invaluable service to our community for those in need of the basic necessities of life. In our world of an ever-growing population of food insecurity and homelessness. St. Elizabeth’s has an excellent reputation and they help those to help themselves."

Ways To Give Now
Click on the links below to find out more
David Jeness
Before he died, David designated his annual required IRA distribution to St. Elizabeth. “That’s another idea that more people should think of,” his partner Ken says. “After we reach 72 we all have to take a required minimum distribution from our traditional IRAs and pay taxes on it. But if you donate it directly to a charitable organization like St. Elizabeth, they will get the full amount and there are no tax consequences for you.”
*Talk to your financial advisor (or contact us directly at legacygiving@steshelter.org)
Become a Member of the Legacy Circle
Leaving a legacy gift in your will may be the most impactful gift you’ve ever given!
You are invited to become a member of the St. Elizabeth Legacy Circle. You can join other supporters who have named St. E's in an estate plan as we build our legacy program. A planned gift leaves a legacy of support that keeps providing life-changing shelter and supportive housing to those in need while providing valuable tax benefits for you, your spouse or partner, and your loved ones.
Contact Jim Podesta at 505-982-6611 Ext. 105 or legacygiving@steshelter.org
Find us at 804 Alarid Street, Santa Fe, NM 87505